General information
- The S06 page at the ENS master Biology website (available in english and in french)
- The programme for 2015-2016
- Location of the lectures : lecture room (?), 5e etage, 45 rue d’Ulm
Downloads 2015
- Slides David Claessen
- Cours 1. Feedback ecology and evolution
- Cours 2. The struggle for existence
- Cours 3. Population regulation
- Cours 4. Interspecific competition
- Reader André de Roos on Modelling population dynamics. You can download the PDF from that page.
- Cours 5. Life history theory.
- Cours 6. Optimal forging theory
- Cours 7. Adaptive dynamics
- Article Geritz et al (1998), introduction de la dynamique adaptative
- Article Geritz et al (1998), introduction de la dynamique adaptative
- Slides Tom van Dooren
Downloads 2014
- Slides David Laloi. Sexual selection
- Slides Tom van Dooren. Contraints
Edition 2013
- Slides Mick Follows
- Lecture 1 : Intro to Marine phytoplankton
- Lecture 2 : Type II functional response : Encounter-handling processes
- Lecture 3 : Spring blooms ; Riley’s model and role of diatoms
- Lecture 4 : Equilibrium resource competition and cell size
- Lecture 5 : Grazing and co-existence of different cell sizes
- Lecture 6 : Resource Ratio theory and nitrogen fixation
- Brief summary of key points
- Poly Marc-André Selosse
- Tuesday morning. Symbiosis
- Tuedsay afternoon. Symbiosis
- Slides Tom van Dooren. Contraints
- The articles for the TP are here
Downloads 2011
Lectures Mathieu Molet
Lectures Jean-Francois le Galliard
Lectures Marc-André Selosse
- Selosse 2009 Biofutur
- Selosse TIMI 2011
- Julou et al 2005
- L’evolution par fusion, Selosse 2011 (low quality)
Lectures Murielle Richard
Lectures Tom van Dooren
Lectures Jean-Baptiste André