- Groth, A., M. Ghil, S. Hallegatte, and P. Dumas, The role of oscillatory modes in U.S. business cycles, OECD Journal: Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis, to appear
- Feliks, Y., A. Groth, A. Robertson, and M. Ghil (2013): Oscillatory Climate Modes in the Indian monsoon, North Atlantic and Tropical Pacific, Journal of Climate, 26, 9528-9544
- Groth, A., P. Dumas, M. Ghil and S. Hallegatte (2012): Impacts of natural disasters on a dynamic economy, in Extreme Events: Observations, Modeling, and Economics, AGU book series, in press
- Groth, A. and M. Ghil (2011): Multivariate singular spectrum analysis and the road to phase synchronization, Physical Review E 84, 036206
- Dumas, P., M. Ghil, A. Groth and S. Hallegatte (2011): Dynamic coupling of the climate and macroeconomic systems, Math. & Sci. hum. / Mathematics and Social Sciences , to appear
- Bandt, C., A. Groth, N. Marwan, M. Romano, M. Thiel, M. Rosenblum, and J. Kurths, (2008): Analysis of bivariate coupling by means of recurrence. Mathematical Methods in Signal Processing and Digital Image Analysis, R. Dahlhaus, J. Kurths, P. Maass, and J. Timmer, Eds., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Understanding Complex Systems, 153-182.
- Marwan, N., A. Groth, and J. Kurths, (2007): Quantification of order patterns recurrence plots of event related potentials, Chaos and Complexity Letters, 2 (2/3), 301-314.
- Groth, A., (2005): Visualization of coupling in time series by order recurrence plots, Physical Review E, 72, 046220.
Working papers
- Sella, L., G. Vivaldo, A. Groth, and M. Ghil, Economic cycles and their synchronization: a survey of spectral properties, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), 2013.105 NOTE DI LAVORO.
- Groth, A., M. Ghil, S. Hallegatte, and P. Dumas, 2012: The role of oscillatory modes in U.S. business cycles , Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), 2012.026 NOTE DI LAVORO.
- Groth, A., M. Ghil, S. Hallegatte and P. Dumas (2011): Identification and reconstruction of oscillatory modes in U.S. business cycles using multivariate singular spectrum analysis, presented at the Workshop on Frequency Domain Research in Macroeconomics and Finance, Bank of Finland
- WPES-12-02 : Groth, A., M. Ghil, S. Hallegatte, and P. Dumas (2012) : The Role of Oscillatory Modes in U.S. Business Cycles, FEEM working paper 26.2012