GHIL, Michael

EGU Wegener medal

 EGU General Assembly special webstreaming :

- EGU Award ceremony Tuesday, 24 April 17:30 - 20:00 : Union medals citation, presentation, reply Michael Ghil to received the A Wegener medal. Ceremony webstreamed

G Bloeschl (EGU President elect), M Ghil, B Barnier (President EGU Ocean Sciences division), D Dingwell (EGU President), D.D. Rousseau (President Climate : Past, Present, Future division). Photo courtesy EGU 2012

- Interview donnée par Michael Ghil à l’ENS à propos de sa médaille Wegener.

- EGU Alfred Wegener Medal lecture by Michael Ghil : Wednesday, 25 April : 12:15 -13:15 Medal lecture

- Press conference : Climate change and the problem of climate sensitivity, Thursday, 26 April, 13:00 - 14:00, participation of Michael Ghil Press conference

Michael Ghil, récipiendaire 2012 de la médaille EGU Alfred Wegener

The Alfred Wegener Medal & Honorary Membership of the EGU, form one of the three equally-ranked most prestigious awards made by the Union, and they are reserved for scientists who have achieved exceptional international standing in atmospheric, hydrological or ocean sciences, defined in their widest senses, for their merit and their scientific achievements. 

The short citation says :

The Alfred Wegener Medal and Honorary EGU Membership are awarded to Michael Ghil for his leading contributions to theoretical climate dynamics ; his innovative observational studies involving model assimilation of satellite data in meteorology, oceanography and space physics ; the breadth of his interdisciplinary studies, including macroeconomics ; and for his extensive supervision and mentoring of scores of graduate and postdoctoral students.

ici la citation complète


■ Adresse
École Normale supérieure
45 rue d’Ulm
F-75230 Paris cedex 05
et (salle de cours du CERES et bureau supplémentaire) :
24 rue Lhomond
75005 Paris
48 boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris

Contact : 01 44 32 38 51

■ Direction
Alessandra Giannini, Marc Fleurbaey

■  Direction du master "Science de la durabilité"
Corinne Robert : corinne.robert[at]

■  Responsable pédagogique
Yaël Gagnepain : yael.gagnepain[at]
Master "Science de la durabilité" : Charles Claron - charles.claron[at]

■  Responsable partenariats acteurs non-académiques
Annabel Lavigne : annabel.lavigne[at]

■ Administration
Kadija Aouni : kadija.aouni[at]
Master "Science de la durabilité" : à venir
Blandine Lathuilllière (chargée de projet transition écologique et sociale) blandine.lathuilliere[at]

