Talks and PDFs

The summer school consists of lectures by the main speakers on the four themes, seminars on special topics, and working groups. Additionally, there are special sessions for exchanges between participants, between groups, and visits and activities in Paris.

programme v8Lectures (see PDFs below)

Mick Follows - On the resilience of global carbon and nutrient cycles
Michael Gh
il - The mathematical foundations of resilience and its applications to the climate sciences, ecology and economics. See PDF.
André de Roos - Resilience and stability of alternative, ecological community states
David Claessen - Agroecology : modeling the resilience of agro-ecosystems
Elisa Thébault - Resilience and stability of ecological networks
Samuel Rufat - Resilience & societies : models and video games
Benoit Hazard - What is the nature of resilience among the pastoralist in Kenya : human -nature complexity and reductionism
Margaret Evans - Resilience ecology from a forest conservation perspective : from historical roots to practical application
Eric Malézieux - Agroecology : a pathway for more resilient agricultural systems ?
Judith Bronstein - Disruption, resilience, and restoration of mutualism in agricultural and natural environments
Albert Moukehiber - Resilience : Recuperating under pressure
Frédéric Worms -
Gaël Giraud -



The main speakers each have 2 lectures to introduce their field and their approach. These lectures are concentrated in the early days of the summer school.

Working groups

Teaching modules and group work on projects, assisted by group supervisor(s). Students will be divided into groups of 5-8 per topic, and will be working on one of the four projects throughout the week.


  • Mid-week discussion between groups to exchange ideas on projects
  • Final presentation of projects


Topical seminars

Special topic speakers have been invited to lead interdisciplinary seminars to think resilience out of the box : resilience in geography, in anthropology,...

Other activities

Students are asked to prepare one Powerpoint slide to shortly present their current research. Each participant will have 2.5 min to present his/her slide. Time will be allocated for this on Day 2 (Monday).

Space and time are organized to exchange and network

We organized activites to visit Paris throughout the week (e.g. boat excursion on the Seine, live concert in a café, etc.)