Accueil / Membres / Anciens membres / ROUSSEAU, Denis-Didier

Denis-Didier ROUSSEAU

Senior Research Scientist @ CNRS

Adjunct Senior Research Scientist @ Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

"Peut-on rire de tout ? Et pourra-t-on encore demain rire de tout ? Ces questions méritent d’être posées..." Cabu

Visiting address :
Ecole Normale Supérieure
CERES-ERTI & Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique
24 rue Lhomond
Tel : +33-(0)14432 2724
Postal address : 24 rue Lhomond
75230 Paris, FRANCE
E-mail : denis-didier.rousseau [at]

Google scholar references
Researchgate link

AGU leadership blog "From the Prow" :

2 inspiring lectures corresponding to my academic mottos :

Stay hungry, Stay Foolish ! Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement address (2005)
The Path to Sustainable development. Jeffrey Sachs Columbia University lecture (2014)

"You’d have to be out of your mind to choose this planet ! It is only pleasant at night when its inhabitants are asleep (The Little Prince)
The Little Prince is wrong. There are those on earth whose integrity, kindness, and generosity of heart make up for the greed and selfishness of the others. For example...." Saint Exupéry dedication of his "The Little Prince"

LMD webpage about AE election

Science honors and awards
  • 2004-2005 Visitiing Professor @ University Bayreuth (Alexander von Humboldt fundation)
  • 2012 Elected member of Academia Europaea (Earth & Cosmic Sciences)
  • 2014 Visiting Professor @ Columbia University (Alliance Program)
  • 2014-2016 AGU Fall Meeting Program Committee Chair
  • 2017-2019 AGU Fall Meeting Program Committee Chair
  • 2017 DAAD awardee, visiting scientist at PIK (Potsdam, postponed)
Civil servant honors and awards
  • 2010 Regional French Olympic Committee Languedoc-Roussillon Bronze Medal
Investissements d’Avenir
  • My research program aims to develop a diverse approach, only a priori, of continental palaeoclimatology and global changes. Indeed, my interests allow me to work at different levels of integration from various records. However they have one point in common which is their connection to the global atmospheric circulation. Indeed, I am studying the loess sequences in the aspect of sediment and dust transport (ANR BLANC project "ACTES" funded 2009-2013 + ADOM initiative under the IGBP PAGES in 2009-2012), which means to address both regionally (Europe, North America, Asia) than globally (via possible teleconnections between the various areas mentioned above) the past dynamics of atmospheric circulation. Therefore, my research activities are grouped into three distinct themes :
      • Climate Dynamics during the past climate cycles, both Tertiary and Quaternary
      • Relations between recent climate change and Biosphere
      • Feedbacks in the environmental systems (PSL priority theme and CNRS thematic school)
  • Link to ANR BLANC project "ACTES"
  • Link to PSL Paris-Sciences-Lettres Research Foundation
  • Link to Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University 
  • Link to Alexander von Humboldt Fundation
European Program H2020
  • LC-CLA-08-2018b call : Funded project TiPES : leader of theme1 : "Tipping Elements in data and models" (negotiation phase with the European Commission)
  • BG-15-2014 : Funded project EU-PolarNet : leader of Workpacakage2 : "Polar Research for Science and Society" (2014-2016)
  • COP21 Paris : Side event session : ”Artic Change : what it means ?"
American Geophysical Union
European Geosciences Union
PAGES (Past Global Changes program of IGBP)
  • PAGES website
  • Science organization
      • Member elected (2010-2015) of the Science Steering Committee (SSC)
      • Member elected of PAGES EXCOM (2012-2015)
  • Science working group
      • Chair of the ADOM (Atmospheric circulation Dynamics during the last glacial cycle : Observations and Modeling) working group
  • London 2012 : "A Planet under Pressure", co-convener with Eric Wolff and Hubertus Fischer of Theme B, Day 1 session : "How has the planet responded to large climate change pressures in the past ?"
  • Goa 13-16 February 2013 : "Open Science Meeting", member of the Scientific program Committee
French Arctic Initiative
INSU-CNRS (Earth Sciences and Astronomy National Institute at CNRS)
PSL* Research University
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Responsable éditorial
  • Responsable éditorial du Domaine "Climat-Atmosphère" de l’Encyclopédie SCIENCES chez ISTE.
Recent publications
  • Antoine P., Lagroix F, Jordanova D, Jordanova N, Lomax J, Fuchs M, Debret M, Rousseau DD, Hatté C, Moine O, Taylor SN, Till J. A unique Late Saalian (MIS 6) loess (dust) accumulation in the Lower Danube at Harletz (Bulgaria). Quat. Sci. Rev. (in the press)
  • Lomax J, Fuchs, M, Antoine P, Rousseau DD, Lagroix F, Hatté C, Taylor S, Till J, Debret M, Moine O & Jordanova D (2019). Luminescence chronology of the Harletz loess sequence, Bulgaria. Boreas 48, 179-194 https://doi. org/10.1111/bor.12348. ISSN 0300-9483
  • Boers N, Ghil M & Rousseau DD (2018). Ocean circulation, ice shelf and sea ice interactions explain Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci USA 115, 44, E1105-E11014 (2018),doi/10.1073/pnas.1802573115.
  • Lécuyer, C., François Atrops, F., Romain Amiot, R., Angst D., Daux V., Flandrois J.P., Fourel F., Rey K., Royer A., Seris M., Touzeau A., and Rousseau D.D. (2018). Tsunami sedimentary deposits of Crete records climate during the Minoan Warming Period (3,350 years BP). The Holocene 28, 914-929.
  • Schaetzl, R.J., Bettis, E.A., III, Crouvic, O., Fitzsimmons, K.E., Grimley, D.A., Hambach, U., Lehmkuhl, F., Markovic, S.B., Mason, J.A., Owczarek, P., Roberts, H.M., Rousseau, D.-D., Stevens, T., Vandenberghe, J., Zarate, M., Veres, D., Yang, S., Zech, M., Conroy, J.L., Dave, A.K., Faust, D., Hao, Q., Obreht, I., Prud’homme, C., Smalley, I., Tripaldi, A., Zeeden, C., Zech, R. (2018). Approaches and challenges to the study of loessIntroduction to the Loess-Fest Special Issue. Quat. Res. 89, 563-618.
  • Wu, N.Q., Li, F.J., and Rousseau, D.-D. (2018). Terrestrial mollusk records from Chinese loess sequences and changes in the East Asian monsoonal environment. J. Asian Earth Sci. 155, 5-48
Recent book chapters
  • Rousseau DD & Hatté C & (2019). Ground-air interface : the loess sequences markers of atmospheric circulation In JC Duplessy & G Ramstein (ed.) “Paleoclimatology”, Springer (in the press).
  • Rousseau DD, Derbyshire E., Antoine P & Hatté c (2018). European loess records. In S. Elias et al (Eds) " Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences", Elsevier, Amsterdam, DOI : 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11136-4
  • Antoine P, Moine O, Rousseau DD, Lagroix F, Kreutzer S, Fuchs M, Debret M, Hatté C, Gauthier C, Svoboda J & Lisá L (2016). Loess-palaeosol sequence DV-09 (Dolni Vestonice brickyard : chronostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments. In Svoboda, J., (ed.) : ”Dolní Věstonice II. Chronostratigraphy, Paleoecology, Paleoanthropology”. The Dolní Věstonice Studies vol. 21. Brno : Instute of Archaeology, 49-61.
  • Muhs D, Cattle, SR, Crouvi O, Rousseau DD, Sun J & Zarate MA (2014). Loess Records. In P Knippertz & JB Stuut (eds.) « Mineral Dust : A key player in the Earth System » Springer Verlag, 411-441, doi : 10.1007/978-94-017-8978-3_16.
  • Hatté C & Rousseau DD (2013). Interface air-sol : les séquences loessiques, marqueur de la circulation atmosphérique passée ? In JC Duplessy & G Ramstein (ed.) “Paléoclimatologie, Enquête sur les climats anciens”. Editions EDP Sciences – CNRS, Paris, T1, 263 – 273.
  • Rousseau DD, Schevin P, Ferrier, J, Ledru MP & Duzer D (2009). Existe-’il un transport pollinique vers Clipperton. « L Charpy (ed.), "Clipperton. Patrimoines Naturels", Publications scientifiques du Muséum, 297-308.

Complete list of publications